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Digital accessibility of Ukrainian libraries: analysis of websites

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Ukraine

June 25, 2023
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The Effect of Service Quality, Trust, and Convenience on Shopee Consumer Loyalty

Islamic University Bekasi, Indonesia

June 25, 2023
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Historical redlining and park use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from big mobility data

University at Albany

June 23, 2023
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Analyzing Changes in Visits to Urban Green Spaces (Ugs) Due to Combined Factors of Covid-19 and Municipal Growth

University of Washington

June 21, 2023
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Examining nonlinearity in population inflow estimation using big data: An empirical comparison of explainable machine learning models

University of Maryland

June 20, 2023
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Promoting Religious Moderation in New Media

Walisongo State Islamic University

June 20, 2023
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Audience Meta in Digital Media: An Evaluation of News Sites

Anadolu University

June 18, 2023
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The effectiveness of COVID deaths to COVID policies: A robust conditional approach

California State University

June 16, 2023
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Human mobility patterns are associated with experienced partisan segregation in US metropolitan areas

Stony Brook University

June 15, 2023

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