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BPES for academic research

Waste management & construction site activity data for academics

BP Environmental Services works with a network of haulers and equipment rental providers and sits on a rich corpus of ever-changing data associated with its transactions across over 20K customers annually, including contractors, builders, roofers, multi-store chain restaurants, food services, supermarkets, solar installers, manufacturers, diverse retailers, apartment complexes, health care facilities and others. Their rich data enables customers to better understand new/existing construction activity, waste management, and equipment rental trends in the US and Canada.
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BP Ticket - Roll-off

Ticket Roll-Off tracks the movement of open-top construction dumpsters holding construction and demolition debris. Every time a roll-off dumpster is moved a new ticket is created for said movement. Included within Roll-off are Ticket Rentals data, which tracks the rental of construction site equipment such as portable toilets, fencing, storage containers, job site trailers, etc, which have recurring billing.

USA & Canada

BP Ticket - Works

Ticket Works is for BP Works equipment rentals orders and tracks machinery rentals such as lifts, booms, lulls and other relevant equipment used in the general construction and residential/commercial roofing. Length of the rental and associated costs/pricing is determined by how long a piece of equipment is used at a job site by the customer.

USA & Canada
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BP Environmental Services
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BP Environmental Services
Founded in 1998, BPES, based outside Philadelphia, is a leading company in the waste management and equipment rental markets across the US and Canada. Through acquisition and organic revenue generation, they have grown to revenues north of $100M (including ~$40M commercial services revenue) and are a leading player in the sector. The organization works with a network of haulers and equipment rental providers and sits on a rich corpus of ever-changing data associated with its transactions across over 20K customers annually, including contractors, builders, roofers, multi-store chain restaurants, food services, supermarkets, solar installers, manufacturers, diverse retailers, apartment complexes, health care facilities and others.
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