Grow your data business with academic research

See how category-leading companies are building their brands, driving leads, and generating content and social proof.

Become a partner

How it works

Instantly reach Dewey’s global audience of researchers.

Unlock your data

Our data platform reaches thousands of data-hungry academics around the globe looking for new datasets to use in their research.

Offload the work

We’ll host, deliver, enable, and support all of our data users so you can get back to focusing on your core business.

Reap the rewards

Sit back and watch the new research content come through as users generate and promote their work citing your data.

How it works

Instantly reach Dewey’s global audience of researchers.

Unlock your data

Our data platform reaches thousands of data-hungry academics around the globe looking for new datasets to use in their research.

Offload the work

We’ll host, deliver, enable, and support all of our data users so you can get back to focusing on your core business.

Reap the rewards

Sit back and watch the new research content come through as users generate and promote their work citing your data.

User research to drive revenue

Typical data buyers use data as a “secret sauce” and are unwilling to share their stories and use cases. The entire goal of academia is to publish, so your data will be cited in hundreds of amazing content pieces to use as you see fit.

Reach enterprise deals in a few simple steps:
New research published
Seen by prospect
Prospect comes inbound
Deal closed
“We've closed a number of deals from leads who have come inbound after seeing research using our data."
Auren Hoffman, CEO of SafeGraph

Benefits of academic research marketing

Receive valuable product feedback to improve your products
Rapidly scale brand awareness through user-generated content that provides the social proof your target customers look for
Generate buzz about your data in an active community
Boost SEO with dozens of research papers citing your website
Drive press mentions as new academic research gets picked up
Build a fanbase of speakers, third-party reviewers, and content creators
Support research and drive innovation by empowering academics
Reach a global audience: Dewey has a rapidly growing user base of researchers from around the globe. Immediately get discovered by data-hungry users who create content with your data.
One simple delivery: Set up one simple delivery to Dewey, in whatever format works for you (s3, API, Snowflake, etc.), and let us store and deliver the data for each end user for you. 
Community support: Dewey enables and supports researchers so they can successfully publish using your data. Dewey also handles data licensing and has auditable usage to keep your data safe.
High-ROI marketing: Keep internal resources focused on their core responsibilities while reaping the benefits of a robust academic program
In-house academic program
Start from scratch: Learning a new channel is hard. Is it worth the time of your team to become experts in this channel?
One-off custom deliveries: Each researcher has a different data need, skillset, and technical stack, requiring a custom data delivery for each team.
Bogged down in questions: The job's not done. Now that they have the data, whose responsibility is it to make them successful?
Expensive: The revenue from selling into academia can often not offset the cost of data egress costs alone.

Built in-house

Reach a global audience: Dewey has a rapidly growing user base of researchers from around the globe. Immediately get discovered by data-hungry users who create content with your data.
Start from scratch: Learning a new channel is hard. Is it worth the time of your team to become experts in this channel?
One simple delivery: Set up one simple delivery to Dewey, in whatever format works for you (s3, API, Snowflake, etc.), and let us store and deliver the data for each end user for you..
One-off custom deliveries: Each researcher has a different data need, skillset, and technical stack, requiring a custom data delivery for each team.
Community support: Dewey enables and supports researchers so they can successfully publish using your data. Dewey also handles data licensing and has auditable usage to keep your data safe.
Bogged down in questions: The jobs not done. Now that they have they data, whose responsibility is it to make them successful?
Zero-cost marketing: Dewey is free for data partners. Keep internal resources focused on their core responsibilities while reaping the benefits of a robust academic program
Expensive: The revenue from selling into academia can often not offset the cost, especially since it's typically non-recurring.

Your data is safe

Scale your user base without cannibalizing your core business
Dewey users are human-verified, active academics with an auditable usage trail.
Transparent terms - no sharing, derivative or comparative work, publishing raw data, etc.
Providers can add custom language to our user agreement specific to the use of your data.
Academia has multiple self-governing mechanisms to prevent harm and protect individuals.
“Choosing to unlock our data for academics was an easy decision. We've seen researchers produce life-saving work while also providing invaluable product feedback."

Auren Hoffman


"It's great having a channel partner that actually works. Dewey made it easy to establish our presence in the academic market. With almost no work on our end, we're now building our brand, driving revenue, and supporting important academic research."

John Njoku


"Dewey's academic audience immediately got our data into the hands of dozens of interested researchers. Compared to building out an academic program ourselves, we've saved a ton of time and reached a larger audience."

Geoff Flint


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