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Resilience of Gig Economy during Economic Downturn: Insights from Location Big Data

Carnegie Mellon University

September 15, 2023
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Geographical Variation in Social Determinants of Female Breast Cancer Mortality Across US Counties

George Mason University

September 13, 2023
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COVID-19 and visitation to Central Park, New York City

University of Florida, Gainesville

September 12, 2023
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Geospatial Tessellation in the Agent-In-Cell Model: A Framework for Agent-Based Modeling of Pandemic

University of Arizona

September 12, 2023
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Commercial Eviction Moratoria, Liquidity Relief and Business Closure

Harvard University - Business School (HBS)

August 29, 2023
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Commercial Eviction Moratoria, Liquidity Relief and Business Closure

Harvard University - Business School (HBS); Harvard University, Department of Economics

August 28, 2023
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Assessing dynamics of human vulnerability at community level – Using mobility data

The Pennsylvania State University

August 27, 2023
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Causal Effect of New Bus Rapid Transit on Non-Work-Related Activities

Texas A&M University, College Station

August 22, 2023
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Changes of Grocery Shopping Frequencies and Associations with Food Deserts during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States

China University of Geosciences

August 20, 2023

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