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Migration Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of New England Showing Movements down the Urban Hierarchy and Ensuing Impacts on Real Estate Markets

Middlebury College, USA

October 10, 2022
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Fiscal Federalism and K–12 Education Funding: Policy Lessons from Two Educational Crises

University of Delaware

October 9, 2022
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Region2Vec: Community Detection on Spatial Networks Using Graph Embedding with Node Attributes and Spatial Interactions

University of Wisconsin

October 9, 2022
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A fairness assessment of mobility-based COVID-19 case prediction models

University of Maryland

October 7, 2022
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One City, Two Tales: Using Mobility Networks to Understand Neighborhood Resilience and Fragility during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sabanci University

October 5, 2022
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Data science for pedestrian and high street retailing as a framework for advancing urban informatics to individual scales

New York University

October 2, 2022
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Retail Demand Interdependence and Chain Store Closures

Brown University

October 2, 2022
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Building Brands through Social Listening

Molloy University

October 1, 2022
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Samba TV
How Smart Products Create Connected Customers

MIT Sloan Management Review

October 1, 2022

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