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Probabilistic program inference in network-based epidemiological simulations

Northeastern University

November 6, 2022
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Spatial Optimization to Improve COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation

Saint Louis University

November 3, 2022
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Symptom or culprit? Social media, air pollution, and violence

Columbia University

November 3, 2022
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Leveraging Mobile Sensing and Bayesian Change Point Analysis to Monitor Community-scale Behavioral Interventions: A Case Study on COVID-19

University of Virginia

November 2, 2022
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SIRTEM: Spatially Informed Rapid Testing for Epidemic Modeling and Response to COVID-19

Arizona State University

November 1, 2022
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Consistency between Household and County Measures of Onsite Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

October 31, 2022
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COVID-19’s Impact on Geospatial Data: Ethics and Values

Colorado Mountain College

October 31, 2022
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Human mobility-based synthetic social network generation

Thomas Jefferson High School

October 31, 2022
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Microscopic modeling of spatiotemporal epidemic dynamics

York University - Toronto

October 31, 2022

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