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Enabling smart curb management with spatiotemporal deep learning

University of Florida

November 15, 2022
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The mitigating effect of masks on the spread of Covid-19

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

November 14, 2022
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Understanding changes to human mobility patterns in Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic

The University of Western Ontario

November 14, 2022
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Metrics of Mobility: Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Behavior

Georgia Institute of Technology

November 13, 2022
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Racial Disparities in Voting Wait Times: Evidence from Smartphone Data

University of California

November 13, 2022
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Right Idea, Wrong Place? Knowledge Diffusion and Spatial Misallocation in R&D*

Yale University

November 13, 2022
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New avenues for second home tourism research using big data: prospects and challenges

University of Helsinki

November 12, 2022
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Exploring a COVID-19 Endemic Scenario: High-Resolution Agent-Based Modeling of Multiple Variants

New York University

November 10, 2022
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Post COVID-19 pandemic recovery of intracity human mobility in Wuhan: Spatiotemporal characteristic and driving mechanism

Wuhan University

November 10, 2022

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