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Black Ownership Matters: Does Revealing Race Increase Demand For Minority-Owned Businesses?

University of California at Berkeley

January 31, 2023
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Chinatowns: Indirect Casualties of the Pandemic

University of Chicago

January 31, 2023
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How Reversibility Differentiates Cyber From Kinetic Warfare: A Case Study In The Energy Sector

University of Kent

January 31, 2023
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Societal Disruptions And Child Mental Health: Evidence From ADHD Diagnosis During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Indiana University

January 31, 2023
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The Effects of Alcohol Liberalization on Liquor Stores and Rural and Urban Shopping Patterns

Colorado State University

January 31, 2023
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A Spatio-Temporal Approach For Determining Individual's Covid-19 Risks

Bursa Technical University

January 30, 2023
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Percolation Transitions in Urban Mobility Networks in America's 50 Largest Cities

Tsinghua University

January 30, 2023
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Utility of Environmental Complexity as a Predictor of Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis: A Big-Data Machine Learning Approach

The University of Texas

January 25, 2023
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Bayesian clustering of spatial functional data with application to a human mobility study during COVID-19

Nankai University

January 23, 2023

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